Katong version

"Ka Cha, ka Cha"

"Ka la, ka la"

The food served tonight was a new variety of street food, which had appeared for the first time.

The customers often saw it on the street, but rarely bought it to eat. For example, Wu Hai and Mr. Wei had never bought it.

Everyone was looking forward to Yuan Zhou's cooking. Wang Hong, who had already gotten his favorite candied tangerines, was no exception. He started to gnaw on the candied tangerines silently.

"Ding ding dong Dong"

The night rain in Rong city was sometimes heavy and sometimes light. There was no fixed number. Today's rain was heavier. It fell on the tiles, Windows, or trees, making a crisp sound, announcing its arrival.

They sat together comfortably, eating delicious food, drinking beer or other drinks that had just been brought in, chatting, and listening to the sound of the rain. There was an inexplicable comfort.