The trophy holder

Yuan Zhou didn't know that he was so popular among the children. He was just thinking that after he got married, he would definitely raise a big fat Boy with Yin ya.

"It's not a high requirement. It's enough as long as you're as strong as Xiong Neng and as smart as Xiong Ming." Yuan Zhou thought that since it was already dark, he wasn't daydreaming.

Dinner time quickly ended after Xiaofei and the others left. There was no sign of rain tonight, and the pub time began as usual.

"Boss Yuan, this is the trophy you won." Yuan Zhou was woken up by a man's voice while he was making the sobering set meal.

When he raised his head, he saw a well-dressed middle-aged man handing the trophy to him. Yuan Zhou received it and found it quite solid.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." Yuan Zhou thanked him. The man looked a little familiar. He seemed to be the big boss of the wine industry and was introduced by Wu Yungui.