The anime is real

The status of mapo tofu in Japan can be judged by comics and animation. The six-flavored mapo tofu in Xiao dang's house, the spirit of food halberd, Nakashi Hideki, also used mapo tofu in the spicy Chinese cuisine showdown, and Tachibana zou also loved the spicy luxury mapo tofu set meal.

The above were all humans. Even if he wasn't a human, he would still come to Sichuan to eat mapo tofu.

It could be said that mapo tofu could be seen everywhere in Japan. In a 24-hour convenience store, mapo tofu fast food could be eaten in the microwave.

ODA checked the tofu on his chopsticks and confirmed that it was indeed not broken before putting it into his mouth. It took nearly a minute, but after he put it in his mouth, he said,""It's so hot. It's really numbing and hot with a little spiciness. The beef is really chewy. The Chinese flavor is real. It's real. There's really six-flavored mapo tofu!"