A fundamental problem

"Head chefs have been famous in the food industry for a long time. Do you have any suggestions?" The head of the Ministry of Tourism asked after he finished explaining his plan.

The chefs present could actually be divided into two grades according to their popularity. Wang Mingyuan and Zhou Shijie were in one grade, and the rest were in the other.

Zhou Shijie and Wang Mingyuan looked at each other. There were many things in their eyes that they wanted to say. In the end, it was Zhou Shijie, the chairman, who spoke.

He said,"leader, regarding this matter, we actually have a slight misunderstanding. The reason why Taoxi road in Sichuan became a tourist attraction was not because of the food."

"Oh?" The head of the provincial tourism Bureau was stunned and said,""I'd like to hear the details. "

"In the end, the reason why Taoxi road is so famous, and why it is so famous in the whole country and even all over Asia, is because of head chef Yuan."