Don't forget your original intention


Fatty Zhan touched his bulging stomach with satisfaction. To be honest, he had ordered so many dishes, and to be able to finish them all, he was already strong enough.

Knowing that he couldn't eat anymore, fatty Zhan looked at the empty plates on the table with regret. He wanted to fight again, but he had no strength left.

"You're still not fat enough. If you were a little fatter, you would be able to eat more. " Fatty Zhan didn't know where he got this theory from.

"Japanese food can't be compared. I really can 'T. I actually ate so much without knowing it." Fatty Zhan's definition of whether something was good or not was very simple. The more delicious the food was, the more he would eat.

He looked at the empty plates on the table. He had eaten at least twice as much as he had eaten Japanese food. Of course, this depended on the size of the tableware.