France national chicken

To put it bluntly, no large-scale event, including the Olympic Games, could be a loss, and it was impossible to hold it for a long time.

Did they really think that they could survive by relying on sponsors?

Using the Olympics as an example, his broadcasting fees, as well as the fees from selling the mascot, were all paid for the organizing committee. It was just like when you bought China's Fuwa, the money was actually earned for the organizing committee.

There was no mascot for the bogus world cooking competition, but it was broadcasted in France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, and more than a dozen other countries.

The organizers were very generous to the contestants, so naturally, they couldn't make a loss. There were also more than 30000 audience seats, which was not a lot for 50000 or 80000 concerts.

However, for a cooking competition, even in the world, there was no bigger one.