Famous chef like clouds

Humans were really creatures of size. When everyone abided by one thing, others would also abide by it. When everyone acted according to a standard, others would also acquiesce.

Taoxi road was a place with more advantages than other snack streets. Tourists would know whether the food was good or not after one visit.

"This Taoxi road does look very lively. There are still so many people on the street at this time." Gan Zhong sighed.

It was almost oneo' clock. Normally, people should have taken a break after lunch or were in a hurry to have lunch. However, Taoxi road was still crowded with people. They were not in a hurry. At first glance, one could tell that they were shopping.

"Indeed, it's much more lively than the night market in Chang 'an. It's daytime now, and I wonder if it's just as lively at night." Director Wang said.