Master chef Restaurant only has you guys

Good food was too important to the Chinese. To say that losses were losses, and to eat was a blessing ... Well, many people were deceived by the latter sentence.

Therefore, a restaurant was not just a place to eat. For example, Li Li's top-grade restaurant was a very good backup.

Another example was the provisional noodle shop. It was a place where many people offered their love, and master chef Restaurant had an even higher status. It was a place where people would grit their teeth and offer sacrifices to themselves. A quiet place, or perhaps a lucky place. This could be described as Zuozuo and Mengmeng.

Although the sun hung high in the sky and emitted heat, making the weather very hot, this couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the foodies. With the enthusiasm of having hot pot with air-conditioning on in the summer, everyone would go to master chef Restaurant whenever they had time. Therefore, it was really lively during lunchtime, hot and noisy.