It was delicious

He asked the obvious. If he could order three servings, how could he only order two servings if his wallet was not bleeding?

After asking that as usual, Yuan Zhou started to prepare.

Everything needed to be boiled and steamed in advance. Yuan Zhou looked at the change of the steam and counted the time. When the steam suddenly began to increase, he knew it was time and immediately began to get busy.

The predecessor of the pepper soup was actually derived from the theory of adding warm, fragrant, and dry drugs into food in "Taiping, beneficial to the people and pharmaceutical Bureau prescription."

The famous ones were naturally the Xiaoyao spicy soup from Yu Province and the meatball spicy soup from Qin province. It wasn't that Xiaoyao spicy soup was used in Yu Province or the meatball spicy soup was used in Qin province. It was just that these two were very famous and representative.