It's a good thing to be confident

Because Zuozuo hadn't had dinner yet, they didn't have much time to chat. She wanted to spend more time with master and senior brother, but if she didn't eat her fill for dinner, she wouldn't be able to start work. When it was her turn to enter the store, Zuozuo went in and left ...

"It's a pity that I don't exercise often. Otherwise, I'd probably be able to eat a second meal now." Si Hongyuan looked at his Little Junior sister's disappearing figure and felt that it was a pity.

Si Jinning, on the other hand, was holding his stomach, wondering if he should exercise more. It was not good for people to get older, as their digestive abilities were not as good. They did not eat as much as they did when they were young. If he had been young, he felt that he could have eaten half a menu.