Everyone is here

Yuan Zhou's engagement was such an important event that several elders who were very good to him had already been invited. The invitation cards were sent by Yuan Zhou himself, such as Mr. MA, master Lian, Zhou Shijie, Zhang Yan and so on.

Of course, boss Tong and old master mo had also come back. After all, Yuan Zhou had promised to take care of boss Tong when she was old. Therefore, they had to show up as the family members of the man at such an important moment.

Last night, Yuan Zhou went to the airport to pick them up. He also stayed in Wu Yungui's hotel, which was close and very convenient.

Moreover, boss Tong had a friendly meeting with Papa Yin and Mama Yin last night. As for what they talked about, Yuan Zhou didn't know. However, the meeting should have been quite pleasant. At least, boss Tong's attitude was very good after that. Even old man mo Zhao showed a rare smile.