Chapter 9 Sanhui Guokui

Although some were happy and some were sad, the hot pot draw still slowly came to an end.

The previous lucky draws had drained everyone's enthusiasm. Later, when it came to the drinking quota, although they were still very enthusiastic, the customers were a lot calmer. They were not as enthusiastic as they usually were, as if they wanted to stick it to the lucky draw box.

As for who the flower would fall to, one would know just by looking at the people surrounding them. These people were all trying to get favors. They wanted to eat and drink together, so it could be said to be very lively.

It was very lively outside the restaurant. Inside, Yuan Zhou was making the final preparations for breakfast.

Breakfast was Guokui Liangfen. As a famous specialty snack in Sichuan Province, almost every city had its own unique food Code. The taste was different, with strong regional characteristics.