Lady Luck's lover

It was not without reason that Taoxi road won the title of "the best street in the country" every year. In the hands of such a fierce Taoxi passerby, anything could be achieved!

Therefore, even though Hans could not speak Chinese, he was like a fish in water on Taoxi road and managed to obtain a lot of information.

Speaking of which, it wasn't a problem to say that Hans was the mistress of the goddess of luck. On the day when the vegetarian banquet was held in the No. 20 restaurant, he was just looking for information on Taoxi road. Then, everything was arranged by fate and he met Jiang Changxi.

That day, Queen Jiang was having a vegetarian dinner at the restaurant, but one of her business partners happened to have an urgent matter to deal with. She had to catch a plane and couldn't make it in time for the meal. She really called to cancel her spot with tears in her eyes.