The three of them were addicted

"The color looks nice. I wonder how it will taste?" Polson leaned closer and sniffed the elegant fragrance, then directly picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat.

He felt that the other two carnivores wouldn't want to eat his grass, so he didn't ask them to eat.

He picked up a long and thin Jin 'Ling grass and put it in his mouth. With a crisp' Kacha 'sound, it broke immediately. It was very crisp and tender.

The fresh and sweet taste spread out as he chewed. It was clearly near winter, but arborea could feel the fresh air of spring between his lips and teeth. It was filled with vitality and life, as if he was in nature.

It looked like there were no ingredients and the soup was bland, but it was actually very rich in taste. There was no smell of meat, but the umami of the ingredients was brought out to the extreme.