Chapter 116 gathering together

It was crunchy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, retaining the original delicious gravy of the pork. Moreover, a gentle bite would say goodbye to the bone, without any reluctance at all, just like a slag that turned and left.

However, with the addition of the sauce, the sour, spicy, and appetizing smell was neutralized, and the slightly greasy ribs immediately became fresher and more delicious.

Li Cheng preferred sour and spicy dishes. He felt that this sweet 'n' sour ribs was simply based on his taste buds and really suited his taste. It was just right for him. He would feel sour if it was too much and not spicy enough if it was too little.

In order to eat all the delicious soup into his stomach, Li Cheng hesitated for a second between directly picking up the plate to drink it and eating it with the pork ribs. In the end, he chose to dip the pork ribs in the soup decisively, which was more elegant and dignified and in line with his status.