Chapter 125

Previously, Chengdu had been gloomy for nearly a week, so he felt that the sun was very warm.

While Yuan Zhou bent over to take the tools, a gust of wind blew in from outside. When the wind stopped, he found it was a person.

The person was about 30 to 40 years old. He had a Red-chested face, and it was hard to judge his age from his weather-beaten face. His eyes were a little red, and they were wide open. One look and one could tell that he was very excited. His rough hands were clenched into fists, and blue veins were throbbing on his forehead.

To be honest, if Yuan Zhou didn't have good eyesight and saw his slightly trembling legs and arms, as well as his excited but not fierce expression, he would have thought that he was here to fight with him.