A parenting expert

His voice was hoarse and anxious, as if it was caused by not speaking for a long time.

Before Yuan Zhou could answer, Ling Hong added,""It's a baby that's almost nine months old. "

Then, there was no more sound. There was only silence from the receiver. Yuan Zhou seemed to have understood something. He pursed his lips and said resolutely,""I will!"

"Alright," he said. Ling Hong hung up the phone after he replied with one word.

After Yuan Zhou muted the phone, he stood there silently for a while before he walked towards the kitchen. His footsteps were a little more messy than usual.

The lunch time arrived as scheduled. The customers who had time and were able to make it all came to the restaurant to have a sumptuous meal. Ever since Yuan Zhou started to cook more and more cuisines, the customers of master chef Restaurant were both happy and in pain.