Yellow pea cake

The fragrance assailed the nostrils. Unlike the sweet, moist sweetness, this crunchy fragrance was more light and refreshing, making people feel very relaxed unconsciously.

"Ka Cha!"

With a raise of his hand and a fall of the knife, the Overlord pastry was cut into a few pieces. They were almost the same size, but there were still some differences. Some had more sesame seeds, while others had a little more protruding. Of course, this was definitely a test of eyesight.

After distributing the biscuits, Tang Xi took advantage of her geographical advantage and snatched a piece that she felt was the most cost-effective and stuffed it into her mouth.

The other people's hands were a little further away, so they were a step slower than Tang Xi. However, this was also the time for them to show their abilities. In short, they could choose the longer hands first, then they could only choose the shorter hands later.