Chapter 182 taoran

On the last day of the new year, many people had the same thoughts as Dong Fang. They put a lot of things that should be celebrated and luxurious on this day.

Furthermore, it was the first day of the new year, so many people had free time. All the supermarkets, tourist attractions, and restaurants were full of people. Naturally, master chef Restaurant was no exception.

Lunchtime passed slowly. After Yuan Zhou sent off the last customer, he entered the kitchen as usual and bent down to take out a porcelain bowl from a cabinet under the counter.

Most of the cabinets under the countertop were used by the system to store all kinds of ingredients. Although it was a small and narrow piece, there were definitely a lot of ingredients inside. After all, it was supported by the system's Black technology. It was likely that as long as the system was alive, there would be no shortage of ingredients!