Qian Minghui's plan

It was at this time that Qian Minghui arrived at Taoxi road. He was wearing a well-ironed suit. Perhaps it was because of the transition from winter to spring, the weather was exceptionally cold. It was said that 'it was the most difficult to rest when it was suddenly warm and then cold'.

Although the weather was cold, Qian Minghui still put on a suit for the sake of being formal. In order to look good and give people a good first impression, he did not wear much inside. The suit was also thick and fluffy, so it was not particularly warm.

It wasn't very thick either. If it was thick, it would look bloated and would be no different from wearing cotton clothes, which would go against Qian Minghui's original intention.

"I've really made a huge sacrifice for this, I'll definitely succeed. "

Qian Minghui shivered in fear as he stood in line. He secretly cheered himself on and touched the thick stack of documents in his briefcase. He felt that he was still quite confident.