It's impossible to turn negative into positive

"Hiss ..."

The tourists, who had long been used to Yuan Zhou throwing away any imperfect things, still couldn't help exclaiming in surprise.

Every time, they couldn't find any flaws even with the help of the telescope. When they saw Yuan Zhou destroy such a perfect and beautiful work of art without any hesitation, they couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Auguste even wanted to go to the trash can and pick up this butterfly in love with flowers.

It was also everyone's cries that woke up the group of people behind Xu ban.

"Why did you throw it away? it's such a waste to throw away such an exquisite piece of art."

"I wonder if I'll succeed if I pick it up now?"

"Was that a magician just now? was he performing a magic trick, so he threw away the props after the performance?"