Chapter 272-who's the stronger customer?

No more, no less. He took five mouthfuls of each dish evenly. With Wu Hai's big mouth, five mouthfuls was not a small amount. However, it was much better than his usual posture of gobbling up everything.

The people at the table were either acquaintances or Wu Hai's fangirls. It was okay for them to share some with him reluctantly. Throughout the whole wedding, apart from Yuan Zhou who gained a lot and was proud of his life with a lovely wife in his arms, Wu Hai was the one who gained a lot.

He had really eaten all the main dishes, and this time, he was really satisfied.

"Fat Bear, do you think there's any way to make Yuan Zhou agree to hold a banquet of 100 tables for us when we get married?"

On the way back, Wu Hai sighed with emotion. This time, he was really full. He laid on the car and almost became a human pancake, which was exactly the same as the posture of meaty lots and meaty fatty after they were full.