The Sauron Royal Family’s Secret

The next day, the King once again dispatched someone to invite Rody to the palace.

The carriage, escorted by the Royal Knights, journeyed directly to the Royal Palace. However, the carriage did not go straight to the audience hall like previously.

They changed into an even smaller carriage in the Royal Palace. The Royal Knight escorts did not follow them after that. Only two officers from the Royal Knights accompanied Rody. The humble carriage left, coming from the side door of the Palace, then journeyed to a higher ground at the back of the capital.

The capital of the Sauron Kingdom was oval-shaped. In the middle of the city was the Royal Palace. At the back of the Royal Palace was a high ground. In fact, it was a low hillslope.

For some reason, during the construction of the capital, the hillslope was already surrounded by the city walls. The woods behind the hillslope had naturally become the Royal Garden.