Superior Family

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

As if he was knocked away by something, he backed off continuously without saying a word.

All the expression on the Torrent Ten Warrior’s faces were fascinating as if they were competing for opening their eyes and mouth the widest.

Fanta Kunge’s body shook. "108 reservoir training scroll. These types of Scrolls were the top scrolls, and no wonder Qian Jin was so powerful. I only have 79 reservoir training scroll."

Fabreidis was secretly stoked that everyone was surprised. "Haha! When Qian Jin told me last time, even I was shocked! Finally, I get to see other getting surprised!"

"Ok, don’t tell anyone else." Fabreidis tapped Zacks’ shoulder and said. "It’s probably not only that. Maybe Qian Jin doesn't even know. Let’s keep this a secret. I even had the impulse of destroying my current warrior power and train following his technique."