Incident by the Gate

Deep in this city, there was the demon who Cech Flet loved.

"The Demon King is a great ruler!" Zence Matten praised for the first time since he entered the Demon Territory, and Lucifer Lucy was very pleased to hear that.

There weren't only cities without defense walls in Zence. Fallen City also didn't have a layer of defense wall around it! The Lucifer Demons were all haughty and arrogant in their own ways and the Demon King ordered the demolition of the defense wall after the city was built.

The patrolling forces of the city got nervous after seeing the demons who were following Qian Jin.

In a month and a half, the 9,000 demons who were there to protect Master Feijing increased to 50,000 demons! All of them were either warriors or mages and they were ready to defend Master Feijing at any time. Anyone who was planning to attack Master Feijing would receive the anger from these demons.

"Zhifeng, remember, some opportunities would only show itself once."