My King Likes to Play with Groups of Clients

The Bloodlust Holy Knight Regiment was the most powerful force of the Holy Light Religion. Year after year, they guarded the border of the wildland, fighting beasts and barbarians, which enriched their fighting experience and cold mind. For the Bloodlust Holy Knight, the battlefield was like a casino. Entering it, they would have no fear, no hesitation, but just thirst for victory at any cost.

This was an army with an inconceivable fighting will. They could be besieged by an enemy that was several times as many as them, but they would fight till the last man. They could endure hardship under extreme condition until an opportunity came. They could withstand any difficult test… However, at this moment, the Bloodlust Holy Knight actually fell into endless shock and panic.

Because right in front of them, the leader of this expeditionary force, had his head fly high, with an angry glare of someone who died with injustice unredressed!