
The grievances between Zhou Mumu and Zhan Ziye started from the five blood spirit power struggle and continued to this day. When the two met, they quarreled. When they quarreled, they began to fight. There was almost no time to stop. During which, it was really hard to tell who was right or wrong. According to Wang Lu, it was best if the two would just go home and get married to each other. At least, he had always been in a neutral position.

However, now, it seemed like Wang Lu finally understood Zhou Mumu's hostility toward Zhan Ziye.

That guy really sucked.

"What do you mean by you can't?"

Zhan Ziye spread out his arms. "I'm only responsible for coming here, not for returning home. If you think about it, it's very easy to see it. I was able to open the channel through the resonance of the Eternal Tree, but now that we're in the demon world, Nine Regions can't resonate with my Eternal Tree."
