One More Year

"Senior Brother Zhang Sheng, it's your turn to be on duty today, right?"


"Then thanks for the trouble. With Senior Brother Zhang Sheng going into action, the next two days, everyone can feel at ease."

Zhang Sheng slightly frowned. "Demons are treacherous and tricky, even Big Brother exhorted everyone to never relax our guard no matter what, but you…"

"I know, I know, you're too wordy Senior Brother Zhang Sheng."

The petite He Yue pulled a face toward Zhang Sheng from the side, and then happily ran away, leaving behind the futon in the room. Zhang Sheng came into the room without saying much, sat cross-legged on the futon, and then closed his eyes. After a while, a half imaginary half real sword rushed out from the spot between his eyebrows, and the sword light shone out.