This is Foreshadowing, Does Anyone Believe It?

In the Desolate Land of Blue River Region, thousands of kilometers away from Area 51, Wang Lu and Supreme Kuqin of the Royal Soldier Sect stood side by side. Kuqin touched the surface of the lake with one of his feet, which caused circles of ripple.

After a moment, Supreme Kuqin nodded and said, "There's no mistake, this is the smell of Fallen Immortal."

Wang Lu immediately frowned and clenched his fists.

"She truly went to my blind spot. I didn't expect that person to be bold enough to wander around my base camp…"

Supreme Kuqin said, "Although it was indeed a blind spot, this kind of unconventional gambit meant huge risks. But, if she's willing to take this risk, then she must be plotting something. Otherwise, what's the point?"

Wang Lu also couldn't understand her intention, "What's it in this Desolate Land that worth taking risk for? There's neither a maid cafe nor a bookstore. What is she doing here?"