The First Battle

Soon, the eliminating competitions had officially begun.

Over at group No. 3, two Clasping Yuan Realm warriors had gone onto the first stage. One was a blade artist while the other trained with his fists. The level of their blade and fist arts wasn’t low at all. The after waves of their attacks hit the dark blue light wall, making a huge exploding sound, as sparks spilled everywhere.

After exchanging hundreds of attacks, the contestant who had trained fist arts eventually got the upper hand. While he avoided the blade light, he threw a fist attack and shattered his opponent’s protective zhen Qi layer, which made him the winner of the round.

“Second round, Yuanheng Ying verses Huang Lang.”

On the first row of the audience seats, the judge of the group three yelled.

Hearing him, Yuanheng Ying sneered and flew over to the battling platform. That powerful dark blue light wall seemed to be made of water, wavy patterns spreading out over and over again. But it did not block him out.