A Replica


With the most dangerous poisonous snake preying in the back and that thick qi wall in the front, no matter if he wanted to go to the right or the left, he would be confronted by the snake. Ye Chen had nowhere to go right now that did not involve danger.

"I cannot struggle with this snake beast. The defensive power of an ancient beast would be unimaginable. Without one or two hours, I will definitely not be able to kill it. If both of us end up being horribly wounded, then it would be precisely what that old guy would have wanted."

He was thinking fast as he let go of his protective Zhen yuan, amidst shards of sword light floating in the air.


The sword light brought up his body along and shot out for the qi wall.


The mud spilled everywhere. The tail of the snake was red colored and jade-like, tough as metal. It missed Ye Chen and landed on the ground creating a huge hole.
