Seeing [Devil Tiger] once again

Even though the battle for the high ground lasted for quite a while, the soldiers of the Federation still revealed unperturbed heroism when they experienced an artillery bombing.

The 3rd Regiment Commander Gutiérrez did not hide; he merely stood there as he fired the energy cannon in his hand without stopping. All of a sudden, as he inclined his ear to the side, the expression on his face changed as he somersaulted into a trench right by his side. At the same time, an artillery shell landed on the spot he was standing at previously, forming a deep crater. That energy machine-gun cannon had been bombed into smithereens from the impact.

Seeing the soldiers charging towards him in the trench happily, the sorry of figure Gutiérrez climbed up before spitting and taking out a military water bottle that was filled with wine. Taking two gulps, he scolded, "That goddamned artillery shell is damningly accurate. This father has almost been bombed to 1.2 meters [1]!"

He breathed in the cold air, pouring the wine in his hand onto his thigh. That was when the soldiers saw a huge shrapnel stuck in Gutiérrez’s thigh. This huge regiment commander merely gritted his teeth before using his belt to tie around his leg as he slowly removed the shrapnel. Even though it did not injure his main arteries, fresh blood still kept gushing out from his wound. The medic came hurriedly to give him emergency treatment while Gutiérrez took the shrapnel and flipped it over in scrutiny. Such a huge shrapnel had actually not cut his leg into two. As he scrutinized the shrapnel, he would laugh at himself mischievously as he felt truly delighted at how quick his reactions were.

The world-shaking artillery fire continued for a few minutes, with the Federation soldiers huddling within the trenches, covering their ears while opening their mouths as if they were a group of fishes that could not breathe.

Finally, the Federation’s artillery team behind them affirmed the location of the enemy’s artillery location and started bombing back, suppressing the Imperial’s artillery completely.

Towards the soldiers of the 201th Division, this degree of artillery sweep was just like an itch. Comparing it to the initial artillery fire, the gap between the two was 18,000 miles away [2]. After the artillery fire, they were akin to rats after a storm, tunneling out from the high ground that were ravaged. The enemies had already made use of the artillery firepower sweep to shorten the distance between them and the high ground, and that was when the Federation’s firepower immediately become concentrated once again. Gutiérrez just pushed aside a soldier who was having a thrill firing the standardized energy cannon in his hand and snatched the cannon as he yelled a strange sound, stood up, and fired with an accuracy that made the gloomy soldier praise in his heart. The other party was a regiment commander, and him? He was just a small soldier.

The energy cannon in Gutiérrez’s hand bellowed continuously, destroying quite a few Imperial single-operated Battle Mechas with accuracy.

WIthout the suppressive firepower, without having any protection from the powerful Battle Mechas, why would those infantry soldiers and the single-operated Battle Mechas that were everywhere do their utmost to send themselves to their deaths? Gutiérrez felt puzzled over this.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a few hundred Beast-Model Battle Mecha charging at high-speed amidst the artillery fire towards the 4th Regiment defense grounds to their left.

What made the others dumbfounded was that these Beast-Model Battle Mechas could even nimbly evade the incoming concentrated artillery fire. Their evasive maneuvers had even made Gutiérrez stunned. Seemingly as if they had discovered the presence of these Beast-Model Battle Mechas, the 4th Regiment’s firepower blockade techniques became even more formidable. Several ordinary energy cannons shot against the body of those Battle Mechas, forming ripples from the energy shield covering them and creating an image akin to throwing rocks into a lake, as no huge disturbance was created. That layer of energy shield remained as blue as ever, showing the light of cruelty to the world.

Gutiérrez needed not to think as the energy cannon in his hand immediately turned towards their direction, accurately firing at a high-speed against a Beast-Model Battle Mecha and finally turning its energy shield to a light red level.

This Battle Mecha that was hit immediately changed its direction towards Gutiérrez. Taking out from its chest an energy cannon, the fierce incoming firepower ensured that Gutiérrez could not even look upwards.

Crawling to another location, Gutiérrez ordered the correspondent signaller to call for an artillery sweep. He could see with a single glance how dangerous these Beast-Model Battle Mechas were; their movements were fast and nimble, their coordination was flawless, their positioning was accurate, and their firepower was quite powerful.

Furthermore, the survival abilities of these Battle Mechas amidst the artillery barrage were too formidable. Their rapid evasive maneuvers allowed them to dodge the majority of the threatening energy cannons, and even if you hit them occasionally, they had their energy shields withstanding against those attacks.

And these were still not the most critical threat against high ground D1. What made them indignant the most was that these Beast-Model Battle Mechas could even rush up the 70-80 degrees inclined cliff with their four limbs at a speed that was as fast as running on flat ground. The moment they broke into the high grounds, it would absolutely be a massacre.

The Federation’s autonomous artillery soon snarled under the emergency request for help from the front lines, violently sweeping the several hundreds of meters ahead of the high ground D1 with their artillery fire, especially the base of the 4th Regiment where the concentration of artillery firepower that swept the region ahead of them was the most intense at the request from the signallers.

The Beast-Model Battle Mechas that were intermixed with countless of Imperial infantry soldiers did not retreat because of the artillery fire. Instead, they hastened up their charging speed and pierced through the hail of bullets like a bolt of lightning towards the base of the 4th Regiment.

The Battle Mecha Battalion directly subordinate to the 201th Division had just a little over 100 Battle Mecha resisting. These mechas attempted to use their cannon barrage to block the forward road of those Beast-Model Battle Mechas. This tactic had generated a certain effect, as under the autonomous artillery fire sweep, the Beast-Model Battle Mechas that were heading in the direction of the several blockaded roads had no space to move, leading to their energy shields being bombarded from blue levels all the way till red before exploding into balls of flames.

However, the power of just a single company of Battle Mechas was too lacking, as the other party had at least a battalion participating in the attack against the 4th Regiment’s base.

Gutiérrez inspected the current situation before decisively sending two orders to the signaller. Firstly, he requested immediate reinforcement and for the forward command to send an armored division out. It was impossible to defend high ground D1 with just an infantry division any longer. Secondly, it was to bring his own battle record device back so that they could see the insignia on those Battle Mechas, which were very possibly the special Battle Mecha division of the royal family—the Myth Legion.

After that, Gutiérrez ordered the vice regiment commander to take over his command over the troops since, after all, it was usually the vice regiment commander who led the troops in the battle and he himself had never come to a realization that he was the regiment commander. Saying that, he immediately brought a battalion of soldiers and ran towards the base of the 4th Regiment.

Why would the Myth Legion appear here? A battalion of their Battle Mechas participating in the vanguard offensive attack would bring dire consequences to the infantry division that had long been impaired by those missiles. As for whether he would be able to save them or whether he would survive, those were not questions Gutiérrez had to consider any longer.

But, he knew the most important thing to do now was to help the 4th Regiment to survive this assault. Even though that 4th regiment commander, who had an eyes similar to a sick chicken, was someone whom he did not get along well with and they would always argue whenever they met, they were still ultimately comrades, thus he had to ensure they did not die in front of him. Gutiérrez suddenly felt like laughing because if they survived, he would become the savior of the sick chicken, and every time they met, he would be able to talk high and mighty. That sick chicken would never retort against his savior. How thrilling would this feeling be!?

As Gutiérrez brought along his soldiers to rush towards the 4th Regiment base, in the cosmos outside of Miracolo Planet, there was something happening at the same time—an outer space battle that would affect the situation of the entire Newton Starfield.

[1] Figurative meaning here.

[2] Meaning a very huge gap in between the prowess of the two.