Is Your Family Doing Well?

The stone lion had been conspicuous from the very start. Upon being smashed, a ring similar to the resonance of a bell echoed in the air, further attracting the attention of countless other people.

"What happened? Did someone smash the lord's stone lion? This..."

"That fellow... Is he sick?"

"Lord Ling considers the stone lions as his treasure and caresses them a few times every day. Yet, he dares to smash it? Who is this? He must be tired of living!"



The crowd which was strolling in the mall was shocked.

Before the utterances ceased, an enforcement team on patrol walked over and upon witnessing the situation before him, fell into a state of disbelief.

These two stone lions were highly treasured by Lord Ling Tianyu. In addition to the fact that each of them was worth several million, the pair was unique commodity that cannot be found on the market. Yet, this fellow smashed it with his fist...

The heck, are you that sick of living?