Yang Xuan, Screw You!

A normal person would only use a gunny sack and wooden sticks when catching a pig. However, upon hearing that such items would be used to help him advance his cultivation, Zhuang Xian felt a pool of blood accumulating in his chest and the flesh on his face twitched uncontrollably.

If not for the incredible self-control he had cultivated through the years as a master teacher, he would have long flown into a rage.

There are only a few means which master teachers use to guide one's cultivation; refining one's cultivation technique, identifying the flaws in the cultivation, consuming all kinds of pills... Yet, this fellow uses gunny sacks and wooden sticks...

The heck!

How can a gunny sack be used to advance one's cultivation?

Other people eat pills to advance their cultivation, do I eat the gunny sack to do so?

Furthermore, calling for the guards... And each of them is equipped with a stick...