Tons of Nonsense

He doesn't even have the slightest bit of confidence in the medicinal solution that Yang shi concocted. However, it is just like the other party had said. If they can't find any other solution, this Royal Elder of his will not survive past three minutes.

Since he is going to die anyway, might as well give it a try!

In any case, this Yang shi had managed to treat Ling Tianyu's wife, Du Miaoxuan, and the others. Even though his means and actions so far appear unreliable and incomprehensible, this is the best chance he has.

After ten breaths, he gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, I'll give it a try!"

There is no choice but to give it a shot.

There isn't a better solution.

After making his decision, Emperor Shen Zhui clenched his jaws, grabbed the jade bottle from the table, and approached the Royal Elder.

"Royal Elder, pardon me for my impudence..."

After using a spoon to pry open his mouth, he poured the medicinal solution in.
