Uncle Sun Qiang Is Here (1)

We are the Beast Hall, not some spirit stone mining clan. How much of wealth do you think we possess?

Still a carriage or two... Just a few dozen would already be almost their entire stock...

As for pills, medicinal herbs, and the sort, even if the Beast Hall had them, they are mainly reserved for the savage beasts. How in the world are we going to find so many for you?

They had just thought that this fellow was generous when he gave himself in right after...

"Beast Tamer Zhang, you must be jesting. It's not that we don't want to give those to you, we simply don't have that many resources here..." Hall Master Xie Jiuchen replied with a reddened face.

"It's alright if you don't have those. However, there's something that I really require, and I hope that you won't turn me down!" Zhang Xuan turned to look at them.

"Feel free to speak!"