Finals (1)

"Transcendent Mortal 4-dan Clarifying Turbidity realm. 'Clarify' refers to the soul whereas 'turbid' refers to the body. Usually, right after the breakthrough, the 'clear' and the 'turbid' would still be intermixed together as though a puddle of murky water. If Zhang shi was given an hour's time for the 'turbid' to settle, his fighting prowess would surely soar greatly. To fight right now... His fighting prowess would still be no different from a Yin-Yang realm pinnacle cultivator!"

"Before the distinction between 'clear' and 'turbid' is drawn, one's body and soul would remain stuck together. In the worst-case scenario, Zhang shi's fighting prowess might even dip due to this."

"But Bi shi can't be blamed for this either. In the end, this is a tournament, and if I were in his shoes, I would have done the same as well!"

"The champion seat of the Master Teacher Tournament has always been highly regarded. He couldn't possibly give up now that the crown is right before him..."
