Byzantium Lad, Explain It to Them!

In the guest lounge, Vice School Head Zhou and Vice School Head Wei were conversing with one another via zhenqi telepathy.

"Do you think that he will try to escape?"

While the duo wasn't too sure what was going on either, the fact that the school head had had Zhang Xuan's manor surveilled for the past few days meant that he was going to make his move on Zhang Xuan.

"If he refuses to come with us or attempts to escape, we will just have to act as the school head commands and eliminate him!" Vice School Head Wei replied grimly.

"But if we really do so, there is no way School Head Mo, School Head Zhao, and the others will let this matter rest easily…" Vice School Head Zhou said worriedly.

When they first heard the order, they were nearly scared out of their wits.