The Four Principals

"He has already cleared the examination?"

"In just two short months, he successfully raised a Conferred Kingdom into an Unranked Empire?"

"If I recall correctly, even the current record holder for our academy, Principal Mo Liuzhen, took three whole years, right?"

"Two months… that is really way too fast!"

The school heads couldn't help but be dumbstruck by the shocking revelation.

They had no doubt that their principal would clear the Empire Building test, but they hadn't thought that it would be so fast!

To clear it within two months, he had probably broken the record of the Master Teacher Pavilion!

School Head Mo nodded. "Indeed, that's really fast! At the moment, Principal Zhang should be on his way back…"

"That is good. At this rate, he should be able to make it for the Combat Master Selection," Zhao Bingxu said.
