Crippling With a Kick

There was a total of twenty Grade-1 candidates from the Hongyuan Master Teacher Academy, and Zhu Xi was ranked twentieth among them. In other words, he was Hongyuan's weakest candidate.

To make things even clearer, if the eighty Grade-1 candidates of the Four Great Master Teacher Academies were arranged in terms of strength, he would be ranked eightieth.

Even Luoqing's champion of the Grade-1 internal selection had been sent flying with a saber, wasn't it practically suicide for a person as weak as Zhu Xi to challenge Chen Zhu?

Everyone couldn't help but stare at him as if he was a fool. There were even a few who couldn't help but cover their eyes, unwilling to see the cringeworthy sight that would unfold very soon.

"Forget it, I will have to go up sooner or later. It is just a question of whether I lose now or later." Chuckling softly with an edge of despair in his tone, Zhu Xi leaped onto the dueling platform without any hesitation.