I Went Easy On You Just Now!

Right after leaving the Blacksmith Guild, Zhang Xuan smiled softly.

He had only intended to prevent an innocent life from being lost, but who knew that he would end up managing to fulfil his promise to the Golden Origin Cauldron while he was at it, raising its cultivation significantly? On top of that, he had even found himself a talented blacksmith student.

It could be said that the trouble he had gone through was well worth the rewards.

As for how Sun Jin would be dealt with, that had nothing to do with him.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt that Sun Jin would have to pay a heavy price for the sins that he had committed. The death penalty would likely be on the table.

As much as Zhang Xuan hated to kill, he felt that there was no need to show mercy to those who trampled on their own students in the hope of elevating themselves.