I'll Choke You With My Words

A tall and slender figure stood imposingly in the air. An ordinary face he had, but in his eyes was a brilliance reminiscent of the stars.

There was nothing exceptionally powerful about his presence, and there were plenty of people possessing a cultivation stronger than him. Yet, there was a suffocating pressure coming from him, leaving the crowd feeling as if they were facing the might of the heavens instead.

To oppose him would be no different from opposing the very world they lived in, and there was only one fate that could come out of such foolishness.

"Zhang shi…"

"Principal Zhang is here!"


Song Chao and the others clenched their fists tightly in agitation, and their eyes reddened.

The pressure they had been under for the past few days was simply so great that it felt as if they would be crushed beneath it.

It was truly fortunate that their principal had arrived at this timely moment.