Tantai Zhenqing

"I am Tantai Zhenqing, a descendant of Ancient Sage Zi Yu. It's my honor to meet the head of the Zhang Clan!"

The middle-aged man with a disproportionate face seated beside Nangong Yuanfeng stood up and bowed deeply. His manners and etiquette were truly flawless, making it impossible for one to pick a bone with him. Despite their visit being provocative in nature, his refined demeanor made it difficult for one to dislike him.

So, this is a true philosopher… Zhang Xuan remarked internally.

He had met plenty of master teachers and experts on his journey, and there was a handful who had conducted themselves with grace and propriety. However, none of them could match the middle-aged man before him.

With just a look, one could tell that he was a true Confucian.

"Elder Tantai, you are too courteous…" Zhang Xuan stood up and returned the greeting.