Entering the Subterranean Gallery Once More

"It's due to their sacrifice that mankind is able to enjoy the prosperity and stability it does at the moment. Without them, the world would have already been plunged in chaos…"

Zhang Xuan was never an emotional person. Ever since transcending over, due to his previous life, he had always viewed this world with nonchalance. However, when he saw the students of the Hongyuan Master Teacher Academy charging fearlessly in the face of battle, and countless master teachers staking their life on the line in a Subterranean Gallery… To be honest, it had truly moved him.

His initial impression of the Zhang Clan was horrid, but when he saw the countless stone tablets lying around him, he couldn't help but sigh sorrowfully.

It was not just due to its strength and accumulation that the Zhang Clan became the number one Sage Clan. More than that, it was about what they had done.