Descendant of a God Monarch

Low-tier God Essence Pills could be used by those whose cultivation was beneath the Celestial God realm. Zhang Xuan was still a long way off from becoming a Celestial God, so he was bound to need a lot of them. Not to mention, he had a lot of people behind him that he needed to take care of.

"Great!" Having received Zhang Xuan's approval, Qi Ling-er turned to the middle-aged man behind her and said, "Tell Old Ye that I'll be taking all the God Essence Pills he has."

The middle-aged man nodded before backing out of the room.

Soon, he returned with a storage ring in hand.

"Boss, I bought all of his God Essence Pills. There's a total of three hundred of them in here. He says that he'll find a way to procure more if you still need more of them."