A Perfect Forging Method

The pill formula that Fu Jiangchen had seen was simply horrifying. Even as a top apothecary in the Firmament, he still felt his heart pounding anxiously at the thought of it. He dared not believe that someone would dare use all those medicinal ingredients together!

The main ingredient of the pill formula, Grass of God King, was a medicinal ingredient that he had never seen or heard of before, but the other complementing medicinal herbs left chills running down his spine.

Putting everything aside, the sixth complementing medicinal herb, Spittle of the Green Serpentine Dragon, was known to be one of the most potent poisons in the Firmament. Even a God King would be unable to curb its poisonous properties! To actually use something like that to forge a pill…

Subconsciously, Fu Jiangchen was already starting to calculate the chances of a cultivator surviving if they consumed such a pill!