Take You Out

The leader of Sunlight Sect hurriedly wrote down the inquests and put it into the bag, and then they kept burning more incense…

After a while, that bag disappeared. - Shoot! -

They were all surprised.

"Our grand ancestral master is among the gods now. He surely has many fantastic methods that we cannot even imagine. We are surprised by what we just saw, but it should be just an insignificant skill for our grand ancestral master!"

The leader solemnly talked, "No matter how miraculous it is, it is normal for our ancestral master."

At the same time, the same magical thing happened in Starlight Sect.

The only difference was that they didn’t get a bag, but a sword.

If Wan Zhenghao knew what the two sects were doing, he would be surprised. [I am not the only one in this world… They also only burn incense and pray when they are in trouble… I am not the only one who did this…]