First Encounter


Hot steam rose from Ji Hao's head, while his blood vessels swelled and bulged under his skin. Ji Hao leapt down from a gigantic tree which reached towards the sky, and threw a heavy punch towards the carriage-sized head of a Blood-eyed Bear which approached the level of a peak Junior Magus.

The Blood-eyed Bear roared madly to the sky, swinging its tens of feet long arms towards Ji Hao, which started two gusts of fierce winds.

There were countless wild beasts living in the Southern Wasteland jungle. This Blood-eyed Bear was as powerful as a peak-level Junior Magus. To achieve this level, it must have experienced innumerable fights and bloodshed; one could never tell how many times it survived from grave danger. The bear sensed Ji Hao's power which was not very strong; the bear felt that this tiny human here was just as weak as the prey that it had slaughtered and eaten thousands of times.