
Bodies of Senior Magi were all toughened up by cultivating and fighting for thousands of times. Those bodies were as heavy as a mountain, as firm as the earth, and hundreds, and even thousands of times harder than iron. Except other Senior Magi at the same level, no other people were able to hurt even a hair on a Senior Magus, unless they wielded one of those legendary weapons in their hands.

The sharp sword in Ji Hao's hands was only a reward given to every new Senior Magi of the Black Water Serpent Clan. Though it was capable of slicing gold and jade, it was nowhere near the level of those legendary weapons.

If used by another Senior Magus, this sword could certainly harm the body of a Senior Magus, however, in Ji Hao's hands, it wasn't supposed to hurt even a little bit of Black Water Jiao's body!