Straw Dog[1]

"Oi, oi! You little bastard, am I still your uncle?" Qing Ying darted up to Ji Hao and knocked on his head annoyingly.

"Ayaya, you're my dear uncle indeed! But you wouldn't be able to help in this anyway, so I didn't tell you the plan," said Ji Hao smilingly, then spew the three black 'thorns of life and death' out from his own mouth, coiled his hair on his head and stuck the three thorns into his hair.

Qing Ying opened his mouth stunned, like a fish without water, seemingly shocked by Ji Hao's words and remained silent for quite a while.

The long spear Ji Hao had used just now was stuck in the ground, and the small, three-legged Gold Crow was hovering around the spear, while letting out soft caws from time to time. Although no one was activating the power contained in the spear at the moment, it still continued to emit a great heat, which made it unbearable for Novice Magi to stand at a distance of less than hundred feet from the spear.